J Glenn Taylor Digital Artwork

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Artwork: Deterioration by

Fading episodic moments by elements

Artwork: Ruminator – A transitioning untitled spell page

Life is a series of meditations & these meditations change. This series is about transitions, episodic glyphs of information. Skeletal frameworks & evolutions from a period of time. A page, A slow breath. A season, A spell of time & perspective. Ruminations of episodic moments.

Artwork: Book of Now

This work is about mining the raw spiritual data of transitioning untitled spells. Putting pages together and opening it. The epiphany, the Gaze, the Ways to look at A spell of time, perspective & deciphered inflection. Both the spell object and connected time are at art. The inside & outside of meditative communications.

Artwork: Tree Park/Not Tree Park

Obsessively memorized upward tree views mixed with no tree views

Artwork: Text-Trasher

Find things, tear them apart, reconstruct the disintegration. Look at innovation. Move to make accidents and resolving them.

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